I better start writing again instead of losing myself in other writer's books. Ha. Can't help it and you don't want to see me when I can't get my hands on a book. I didn't have a charger for my Nook for 3 weeks and I nearly turned into this...

Yeah, The Walking Dead.
Anywaaaaay. Last year around June or July, I found a fantastic place where I can read ALL the books I want FREE. Oh Yeah. Freeeeeeeee. I contacted Inked Rainbow Reads and SHAZAM! I became one of their readers. In exchange for a book review per book, I get to read works from many of my favorite authors. Well, authors of the LGBTQIA community. It's awesssssome. I get to save money and indulge in some serious reading.
So, if you're interested in reading books from popular authors like Mary Calmes, Cardeno C. NR. Walker etc, stop by their website and see if you can become one of their Honest Review Readers. And If you just wanna read reviews to decide what MM/MMM/FF/MFM etc book you wanna read next, hit them up for that too. If you're an author looking for people to review your book, well here ya go. Heck, check out their Facebook Page!
Okay, that's my rant for the day. LOL. Ta Ta For Now!